Anyone with a Linked In account, or holds a strategic role within a company will know how important your commercial portrait, and more recently, your personal branding is. Whether it be a simple headshot or something a little more creative to depict a personality, working environment or skill set, I will work with you to get the right image to portray that message.

Many architectural / interiors photographers don’t have the skillsets and / or equipment to take a good portrait – and you wouldn’t necessarily expect them to, if you are hiring them for their specialist skill. However, with several years of portrait photography experience, it has been hugely beneficial to clients who may want to take advantage of an amazing location/project site to update their personal branding imagery, or a rare opportunity to get a whole team shot for the website. We can build this in to the shoot – but be sure to mention that it is needed, so can be scheduled in to the shot list and some thought given to planning (colours, timing, style etc).